Come Visit Us May 22-23, 2021

During National Safe Boating Week May 22-28, 2021 the U.S. Coast Guard Auxilliary will conduct free Vessel Safety Checks at local harbor launch ramps. A Vessel Examiner will interview the Vessel Operator with your boat and inspect required safety equipment. Learn about Fire Extinguishers, Distress Signal Flares, Life Jackers, and more! Social Distancing is in effect and masks are required. If you are not able to meet on these days, Not a problem… we will schedule an appointment at a convenient day and time! If you live in a different region, please check here to schedule a Vessel Safety Check near you
Saturday May 22, 2021
Channel Islands Harbor launch
Morro Bay Harbor launch
Sunday May 23, 2021
Ventura Harbor launch
Port San Luis launch