Fire On Board!

USCG Sector LA-LB, Incident Management Division

With the recent increase of boat fires onboard vessels and at marinas, Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach encourages our local boating community to be aware of and remain vigilant against fires, through active prevention and mitigation.
Over the last three months, we have observed a small increase in recreational vessel fires at local marinas. Since January 22nd, we have been notified of four separate fire incidents, which damaged a total of 13 vessels and three individuals were injured as a result. Preliminary investigations into each case has shown a trend of poor maintenance practices and unattended electronics as cause for the incidents.
Fire safety precautions are especially important in live-aboard, marina communities, and for occupants with limited escape routes during an emergency.
Boat Fire Safety Tips
On the Boat:
- Install smoke & carbon monoxide alarms to alert occupants to a fire.
- Have a fire emergency plan & practice it.
- Inspect electrical wiring, connections, cords, & battery-charging equipment for proper installation & good condition.
- Have appropriate fire extinguishers & make sure they are easily accessible.
- Check cooling & exhaust systems; make sure they work properly.
- Turn off portable heaters when you leave the boat or go to sleep.
- Do not place propane tanks near spaceheaters.
- Use only certified chargers for electronic devices & don’t overload power outlets.
- Adhere to ABYC compliance for electrical installations.
At the Marina:
- Ask about the types of fire & emergency features at the marina; including smoke alarms & fire suppression equipment.
- Know where the fire extinguishers are located & how to escape.
- Smoke only in designated areas away from any fuel-filling or storage areas.
- Inspect shore power connections for any oblivious signs of damage or improper installations.
- Know how to contact help.
According to BoatUS Marine Insurance, the top five causes for boat fires are:
Off-Boat Sources: Fires that start from marinas, other boats, storage facility, a house, or a garage. Every boat owner has a responsibility to prevent boat fires by keeping property around boats safe.
Engine Electrical: Wiring harnesses & starters on boats can be a source for boats over 25 years old. Consider replacing old, original wires to maintain good condition.
Other DC Electrical: The most common cause of fires are battery-related, from operator, error from improper connection. Check for proper battery cable connections while looking for loose connections, chafed cables, & old battery switches. On older outboards, voltage regulators is the most common cause of fire. Replace the regulators to reduce failure rate on older outboards.
AC Electrical: Appliances such as air conditioning, microwaves, space heaters, etc. increases fire risk onboard. Use marine-grade power cords with proper adapters & regular inspection to minimize fire risks from marina pedestals & shore-power inlet, on the boat.
Other Engine: Overheating from blocked water intake, exhaust fire from impeller failures due to age or sediment can lead to engine fires onboard. Replace impellers often and after any grounding.
To request a Vessel Safety Check (VSC)
Please visit the CG Auxiliary National Website at: