World Oceans Day 6.8.2021

Published by Safeboating.US Administrator on

photo by Michael Gallagher from Magnificent sea anemone with its vivid red underside presents its guest, a resident pink skunk anemonefish. Ngemelis Region, Palau, South Pacific. This photo was one of the winners in the UN Oceans Day Photo Contest.

Happy World Oceans Day!

by  CA State Parks and CA Coastal Commission – Boating Clean & Green Program

The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected. The ocean sustains life on Earth and humans must live in ways that sustain the ocean. Individual and collective actions are needed to effectively manage ocean resources for all. Everyone is responsible for caring for the ocean. 
Today, celebrate our oceans and waterways and make a bigger commitment to protect our environment.

1) Reduce waste. Use Less Stuff, and Make Careful Consumer Choices.

  • Switch to reusable products and products made from recycled materials with little or no packaging. Simple example: Refuse plastic straws and stirrers, use compostable or pasta stirrers.
  • Refuse disposables, reduce, reuse and recycle (in that order) at home, work and school. Invest in reusable coffee mugs and water bottles and encourage your friends to use them every day in place of disposable cups.
  • Refuse the use of disposable plastic. Implement a No-Plastic rule at home, at your office, at events and parties.
  • Seek out products with minimal packaging and avoid products with excessive packaging. For instance, avoid individual servings in favor of larger packages and bulk foods.
  • Avoid personal care products containing microbeads. If it doesn’t say so on the front of the package, you can look for plastic listed in the ingredients. Look for polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate or polymethyl methacrylate.

2) Conserve water. By using less water, excess run off and wastewater will not flow into the ocean. 

3) Use alternatives for less toxic cleaning products. 

4) Choose environmentally sustainable seafood. Remember your choices have an impact on the health of the ocean. 

5) Recycle your fishing line and properly dispose of nets and hooks. 

6) Take public transportation, bike or walk instead of driving. 

7) Protecting the environment and safely recreating in the outdoors go hand in hand. Commit to implement clean and safe boating practices:

  • Always carry oil absorbents on board and in your bilge to prevent oily discharges, and to prevent fuel spills use fuel bibs. Dispose of them as a hazardous waste at your County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center. For locations check your browser or visit For a Free California Boater Kit with all of this clean and safe boating information visit
  • Identify the nearest pollution prevention services near you. For participating sewage, dump stations and floating restrooms download the complimentary Pumpout Nav App.
  • Always wear a life jacket while boating.
  • Ensure you have the right safety equipment on board. Visit for more boating safety tips.
  • Take a safe boating course and getting your California Boater Card. More information at

8) Become a leader. Encourage your friends to adopt “green” habits.

9) And …repeat.

The Ocean: Life and livelihoods

By United Nations, observance

The ocean covers over 70% of the planet. It is our life source, supporting humanity’s sustenance and that of every other organism on earth.

The ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen, it is home to most of earth’s biodiversity, and is the main source of protein for more than a billion people around the world. Not to mention, the ocean is key to our economy with an estimated 40 million people being employed by ocean-based industries by 2030.

Even though all its benefits, the ocean is now in need of support.

With 90% of big fish populations depleted, and 50% of coral reefs destroyed, we are taking more from the ocean than can be replenished. To protect and preserve the ocean and all it sustains, we must create a new balance, rooted in true understanding of the ocean and how humanity relates to it. We must build a connection to the ocean that is inclusive, innovative, and informed by lessons from the past.

“The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods” is the theme for World Oceans Day 2021, as well as a declaration of intentions that launches a decade of challenges to get the Sustainable Development Goal 14, “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources”, by 2030.

United Nations World Oceans Day

Visit the official UN World Oceans Day website!

Visit the official website to learn more about the International Day, find out about news and celebrations, or read the latest news and reports on the oceans.

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